`makedoc' + `niceverb' - an alternative documentation system for LaTeX ====================================================================== The `nicetext' bundle offers "minimal" markup syntax for restricted kinds of text: There should not be much more characters typed than printed! -- mainly: quick documentation of (smaller) LaTeX packages -- achieved by active characters and preprocessing similar to `docstrip' ("opposite direction" however, incl. some txt to TeX). New with release 0.3: * `substr.tex' should typeset LaTeX quality documentation from next available (on your install) substry.sty's ASCII/UTF-8 input (works with me) -- first application of `niceverb''s "auto mode" and `makedoc.sty' to a third-party package! * `makedoc' simplified: single \MakeInputJobDoc[][]{
}{} generates a documentation file from the package file and typesets it immediately (kind of \DocInput equivalent) -- see `Using makedoc the simplest way' in `makedoc.pdf' * `|...|' from `niceverb' typesets an inline frame box for setting-off a command description, modifiable by hooks (e.g., \colorbox) * `niceverb' syntax works in page headers, PDF bookmarks, and `hyperref' labels and otherwise much better than before, dis-/re-enableable featurewise as well as altogether * documentation extended, lists of script commands * configurable txt to TeX functionality or other replacements like ASCII-arrows to arrow commands or inserting \index entries (setting up expandable replacement chains slightly more comfortable) -- try with templates and dialogue * `fifinddo' works with character codes > 127, improved setup * `makedoc' requires the `moreverb' package. ______________________________________________________________________ CATALOGUE: These packages may be compared with: * easylatex, txt2latex, txt2tex (typographical and TeX input enhancement); * doc, gmdoc, lineno (awk in place of \DocInput); * substr, datatool, ted, xstring, stringstrings, makematch, ... (parsing)