These functions enhance the default behavior of Emacs' Auto Fill mode and the commands fill-paragraph, lisp-fill-paragraph, fill-region-as-paragraph and fill-region. The chief improvement is that the beginning of a line to be filled is examined and, based on information gathered, an appropriate value for fill-prefix is constructed. Also the boundaries of the current paragraph are located. This occurs only if the fill prefix is not already non-nil. The net result of this is that blurbs of text that are offset from left margin by asterisks, dashes, and/or spaces, numbered examples, included text from USENET news articles, etc.. are generally filled correctly with no fuss. Since this package replaces existing Emacs functions, it cannot be autoloaded. Save this in a file named filladapt.el in a Lisp directory that Emacs knows about, byte-compile it and put (require 'filladapt) in your .emacs file. Note that in this release Filladapt mode is a minor mode and it is _off_ by default. If you want it to be on by default, use (setq-default filladapt-mode t) M-x filladapt-mode toggles Filladapt mode on/off in the current buffer. Use (add-hook 'text-mode-hook #'filladapt-mode) to have Filladapt always enabled in Text mode. Use (add-hook 'c-mode-hook #'turn-off-filladapt-mode) to have Filladapt always disabled in C mode. In many cases, you can extend Filladapt by adding appropriate entries to the following three `defvar's. See `postscript-comment' or `texinfo-comment' as a sample of what needs to be done. filladapt-token-table filladapt-token-match-table filladapt-token-conversion-table