# Fountain Mode # Fountain Mode is a screenwriting environment for GNU Emacs using the Fountain markup format. For more information on the Fountain markup format, visit . Screenshot: ## Features ## - Support for Fountain 1.1 specification - WYSIWYG auto-align elements (display only, does not modify file contents) specific to script format, e.g. screenplay, stageplay or user-defined format - Navigation by section, scene, character name, or page - 3 levels of syntax highlighting - Integration with outline to fold/cycle visibility of sections and scenes - Integration with imenu (sections, scene headings, notes) - Intergration with auto-insert for title page metadata - Traditional TAB auto-completion writing style - Automatically add/remove character "(CONT'D)" - Export to plain text, HTML, LaTeX, Final Draft (FDX), or Fountain - Export to standalone document or snippet - Emphasis (bold, italic, underlined text) - Include external files with {{ include: FILENAME }} - Optionally display scene numbers in the right margin - Intelligent insertion of a page breaks - Automatic loading for *.fountain files - Include or omit a title page - Toggle visibility of emphasis delimiters and syntax characters - Everything is customizable Check out the Nicholl Fellowship sample script exported from Fountain Mode to the following formats: - plain text: - HTML: - Final Draft: - LaTeX: Most common features are accessible from the menu. For a full list of functions and key-bindings, type C-h m. ## Requirements ## - Emacs 24.5 - LaTeX packages for PDF export: geometry fontspec titling fancyhdr marginnote ulem xstring oberdiek ## Installation ## Fountain Mode is now part of GNU ELPA and can be installed with M-x package-install RET fountain-mode RET. You can manually download the latest release from Move this file into your load-path and add (require 'fountain-mode) to your .emacs/init.el file. If you prefer the latest but perhaps unstable version clone the repository into your load-path and require as above: git clone https://github.com/rnkn/fountain-mode.git Users of Debian >=10 or Ubuntu >=18.04 can install Fountain Mode with: sudo apt install elpa-fountain-mode ## History ## See: ## Bugs ## To report bugs, either use or M-x report-emacs-bug RET or send an email to (please include "fountain" in the subject).