A tagged, non-deterministic finite state automata (NFA) is an abstract computing machine that recognises regular languages. In layman's terms, they are used to decide whether a string matches a regular expression. The "tagged" part allows the NFA to do group-capture: it returns information about which parts of a string matched which subgroup of the regular expression. Why re-implement regular expression matching when Emacs comes with extensive built-in support for regexps? Primarily, because some algorithms require access to the NFA states produced part way through the regular expression matching process (see the trie.el package for an example). Secondarily, because Emacs regexps only work on strings, whereas regular expressions can usefully be used in Elisp code to match other sequence types, not just strings. A tagged NFA can be created from a regular expression using `tNFA-from-regexp', and its state can be updated using `tNFA-next-state'. You can discover whether a state is a matching state using `tNFA-match-p', extract subgroup capture data from it using `tNFA-group-data', check whether a state has any wildcard transitions using `tNFA-wildcard-p', and get a list of non-wildcard transitions using `tNFA-transitions'. Finally, `tNFA-regexp-match' uses tagged NFAs to decide whether a regexp matches a given string. Note that Emacs' regexps are not regular expressions in the original meaning of that phrase. Emacs regexps implement additional features (in particular, back-references) that allow them to match far more than just regular languages. This comes at a cost: regexp matching can potentially be very slow (NP-hard in fact, though the hard cases rarely crop up in practise), whereas there are efficient (polynomial-time) algorithms for matching regular expressions (in the original sense). Therefore, this package only supports a subset of the full Emacs regular expression syntax. See the function docstrings for more information. This package essentially implements Laurikari's algorithm, as described in his master's thesis, but it builds the corresponding tagged deterministic finite state automaton (DFA) on-the-fly as needed. This package uses the queue package queue.el.