Composable editing for Emacs composable.el is composable text editing for Emacs. It improves the basic editing power of Emacs by making commands combineable. It's inspired by vim but implemented in a way that reuses existing Emacs infrastructure. This makes it simple and compatible with existing Emacs functionality and concepts. composable.el only brings together existing features in a slightly different way. Composable editing is a simple abstraction that makes it possible to combine _actions_ with _objects_. The key insight in composable.el is that Emacs already provides all the primitives to implement composable editing. An action is an Emacs command that operates on the region. Thus `kill-region` and `comment-region` are actions. An object is specified by a command that moves point and optionally sets the mark as well. Examples are `move-end-of-line` and `mark-paragraph`. So actions and objects are just names for things already present in Emacs. The primary feature that composable.el introduces is a _composable command_. A composable command has an associated action. Invoking it works like this: 1. If the region is active the associated action is invoked directly. 2. Otherwise nothing happens, but the editor is now listening for an object. This activates a set of bindings that makes it convenient to input objects. For instance pressing `l` makes the action operate on the current line. 3. After the object has been entered the action is invoked on the specified object.