;; Introduction: [Config::General](http://search.cpan.org/dist/Config-General/) is a Perl module for parsing config files with some enhanced features. `config-general-mode' makes it easier to edit such config files with Emacs. It is based on `conf-mode' with the following features: - good syntax highlighting for config files - imenu support for - automatic indenting - jump to include file with `C-return' ;; Installation: To use, save config-general-mode.el to a directory in your load-path. Add something like this to your config: (require 'config-general-mode) (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.conf$" . config-general-mode)) or load it manually, when needed: M-x config-general-mode You can also enable it with a buffer-local variable by adding this as the first line of a config file: # -*-config-general-*-