When editing a text, and `dynamic-spaces-mode' is enabled, text separated by more than one space doesn't move, if possible. Concretely, end-of-line comments stay in place when you edit the code and you can edit a field in a table without affecting other fields. For example, this is the content of a buffer before an edit (where `*' represents the cursor): alpha*gamma delta one two three When inserting "beta" without dynamic spaces, the result would be: alphabeta*gamma delta one two three However, with `dynamic-spaces-mode' enabled the result becomes: alphabeta*gamma delta one two three Usage: To enable *dynamic spaces* for all supported modes, add the following to a suitable init file: (dynamic-spaces-global-mode 1) Or, activate it for a specific major mode: (add-hook 'example-mode-hook 'dynamic-spaces-mode) Alternatively, use `M-x customize-group RET dynamic-spaces RET'. Space groups: Two pieces of text are considered different (and `dynamic-spaces-mode' tries to keep then in place) if they are separated by a "space group". The following is, by default, considered space groups: * A TAB character. * Two or more whitespace characters. However, the following are *not* considered space groups: * whitespace in a quoted string. * Two spaces, when preceded by a punctuation character and `sentence-end-double-space' is non-nil. * Two spaces, when preceded by a colon and `colon-double-space' is non-nil. Configuration: You can use the following variables to modify the behavior or `dynamic-spaces-mode': * `dynamic-spaces-mode-list' - List of major modes where dynamic spaces mode should be enabled by the global mode. * `dynamic-spaces-avoid-mode-list' - List of major modes where dynamic spaces mode should not be enabled. * `dynamic-spaces-global-mode-ignore-buffer' - When non-nil in a buffer, `dynamic-spaces-mode' will not be enabled in that buffer when `dynamic-spaces-global-mode' is enabled. * `dynamic-spaces-commands' - Commands that dynamic spaces mode should adjust spaces for. * `dynamic-spaces-keys' - Keys, in `kbd' format, that dynamic spaces mode should adjust spaces for. (This is needed as many major modes define electric command and bind them to typical edit keys.) * `dynamic-spaces-find-next-space-group-function' - A function that would find the next dynamic space group. Notes: By default, this is disabled for org-mode since it interferes with the org mode table edit system.