This package manages multiple search results buffers: - the search results of grep, lgrep, rgrep, and find-grep are sent to separate buffers instead of overwriting the contents of a single buffer (buffers are named *grep* where N is a number) - several navigation functions are provided to allow the user to treat the search results buffers as a stack and/or ring, and to easily reset the state of each search buffer after navigating through the results Installation: 1. Put this file in a directory that is a member of load-path, and byte-compile it (e.g. with `M-x byte-compile-file') for better performance. 2. Add the following to your ~/.emacs: (require 'grep-a-lot) (grep-a-lot-setup-keys) 3. If you're using igrep.el you may want to add: (grep-a-lot-advise igrep) Currently, there are no customization options. Default Key Bindings: Ring navigation: M-g ] Go to next search results buffer, restore its current search context M-g [ Ditto, but selects previous buffer. Navigation is cyclic. Stack navigation: M-g - Pop to previous search results buffer (kills top search results buffer) M-g _ Clear the search results stack (kills all grep-a-lot buffers!) Other: M-g = Restore buffer and position where current search started