Helm sources for searching emails and contacts using mu and mu4e. Mu is an indexer for maildirs and mu4e is a mutt-like MUA for Emacs build on top of mu. Mu is highly efficient making it possible to get instant results even for huge maildirs. It also provides search operators similar to Google mail, e.g: from:Adam to:Eve flag:attach vacation photos See the Github page for details and install instructions: https://github.com/emacs-helm/helm-mu News: - 2022-12-17: To override mu4e’s default search function, you now have to use: (define-key mu4e-search-minor-mode-map "s" 'helm-mu) - 2016-05-31: Added two new actions in helm-mu-contacts: 1. Insert selected contacts at point. 2) Copy selected contacts to clipboard. Contacts are inserted/copied in a format that is suitable for address fields, i.e. with quote names and email addresses.