## Install: Please install the ImageMagick before installing this elisp. Put this file into load-path'ed directory, and byte compile it if desired. And put the following expression into your ~/.emacs. (eval-after-load 'image '(require 'image+)) ## Usage: * [__Recommended__] Sample Hydra setting. Instead of `imagex-global-sticky-mode' . https://github.com/abo-abo/hydra (eval-after-load 'image+ `(when (require 'hydra nil t) (defhydra imagex-sticky-binding (global-map "C-x C-l") "Manipulating Image" ("+" imagex-sticky-zoom-in "zoom in") ("-" imagex-sticky-zoom-out "zoom out") ("M" imagex-sticky-maximize "maximize") ("O" imagex-sticky-restore-original "restore original") ("S" imagex-sticky-save-image "save file") ("r" imagex-sticky-rotate-right "rotate right") ("l" imagex-sticky-rotate-left "rotate left")))) Then try to type `C-x C-l +` to zoom-in the current image. You can zoom-out with type `-` . * To manipulate a image under cursor. M-x imagex-sticky-mode Or to activate globally: M-x imagex-global-sticky-mode Or in .emacs: (eval-after-load 'image+ '(imagex-global-sticky-mode 1)) * `C-c +` / `C-c -`: Zoom in/out image. * `C-c M-m`: Adjust image to current frame size. * `C-c C-x C-s`: Save current image. * `C-c M-r` / `C-c M-l`: Rotate image. * `C-c M-o`: Show image `image+` have not modified. * Adjusted image when open image file. M-x imagex-auto-adjust-mode Or in .emacs: (eval-after-load 'image+ '(imagex-auto-adjust-mode 1)) * If you do not want error message in minibuffer: (setq imagex-quiet-error t)