Show thumbnails in a `archive-mode' buffer like `image-dired'. So this module depend on `image-dired' to imitate UI. Some of customize variables are imported. But not like image-dired, non-blocking thumbnail process like `image-dired+' ## Install: Please install the ImageMagick before installing this elisp. Put this file into load-path'ed directory, and byte compile it if desired. And put the following expression into your ~/.emacs. (autoload 'image-archive "image-archive" nil t) (autoload 'image-archive-marked-files "image-archive" nil t) (autoload 'image-archive-auto-thumbnails "image-archive") ## Usage: * Followings are tested result (`-` is not yet tested) . | zip | 7z | lha | arc | zoo | |-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | o | o | o | - | - | GNU bash, version 4.2.37(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) * Type following in archive (e.g. zip) file which contains image files. M-x image-archive * Automatically execute `image-archive' when open an archive file. (add-hook 'archive-mode-hook 'image-archive-auto-thumbnails)