![Screenshot](https://github.com/coldnew/linum-relative/raw/master/screenshot/screenshot1.jpg) linum-relative lets you display relative line numbers for current buffer. ; Installation: If you have `melpa` and `emacs24` installed, simply type: M-x package-install linum-relative And add the following to your .emacs (require 'linum-relative) ; Setup & Tips: The non-interactive function *linum-on* (which should already be built into recent GNU Emacs distributions), turns on side-bar line numbering: (linum-on) and alternatively, by using command: M-x linum-relative-mode Relative line numbering should already be enabled by default (by installing this package), following *linum-on* or enabling *linum-mode*. One can also use the *linum-relative-toggle* interactive function to switch between relative and non-relative line numbering: M-x linum-relative-toggle ; Backends By default, linum-relative use *linum-mode* as backend, since linum-mode is based on emacs-lisp, you may have performance issue on large file. Since linum-relative 0.6, if you also use emacs version 26.1 or above, you can setup `linum-relative-backend' to make linum-relative-mode use `display-line-number-mode' as backend, which is implement in C so the performance is really nice. However some linum-relative's customize function may not work propely. Here's how to use `display-line-number-mode' as backend: ```elisp ;; Use `display-line-number-mode' as linum-mode's backend for smooth performance (setq linum-relative-backend 'display-line-numbers-mode) ```