; An external contrib for SLY that enables different readtables to be active in different parts of the same file. SLY lives at https://github.com/capitaomorte/sly. ; Installation: Since this is an external contrib with both Elisp and Lisp parts, merely loading the Elisp will have little effect. The contrib has to be registered in SLY's `sly-contribs' variable for SLY to take care of loading the Lisp side on demand. For convenience, the `sly-named-readtables-autoloads.el' Elisp file takes care of this automatically. So in your `~/.emacs' or `~/.emacs.d/init/el' init file: (setq inferior-lisp-program "/path/to/your/preferred/lisp") (add-to-list 'load-path "/path/to/sly") (require 'sly-autoloads) (add-to-list 'load-path "/path/to/sly-named-readtables") (require 'sly-named-readtables-autoloads) In case you already have SLY loaded and/or running, you might have to `M-x sly-setup' and `M-x sly-enable-contrib' to enable it. `sly-named-readtables' should now kick in in Lisp buffers. You must have `named-readtables` setup in your Lisp before it takes any actual effect though. That's easy, just `(ql:quickload :named-readtables)'.