`M-x sqlup-mode` and just type. This mode supports the various built-in SQL modes as well as redis-mode. The capitalization is triggered when you press the following keys: * SPC * RET * , * ; * ( * ' This package also provides a function to capitalize SQL keywords inside a region as well as the whole bufer - always available, no need to activate the minor mode to use it: M-x sqlup-capitalize-keywords-in-region M-x sqlup-capitalize-keywords-in-buffer It is not bound to a keybinding. Here is an example of how you could do it: (global-set-key (kbd "C-c u") 'sqlup-capitalize-keywords-in-region) Here follows an example setup to activate `sqlup-mode` automatically: (add-hook 'sql-mode-hook 'sqlup-mode) (add-hook 'sql-interactive-mode-hook 'sqlup-mode) (add-hook 'redis-mode-hook 'sqlup-mode) Sqlup can be configured to ignore certain keywords by adding them to the list `sqlup-blacklist`. For example if you use `name` as a column name it would be annoying to have it upcased so you can prevent this by adding (add-to-list 'sqlup-blacklist "name") to your config (or do the equivalent through the `M-x customize` interface).