Emacs minor mode to highlight mark(s). Allows setting the number of marks to display, and the faces to display them. A good blog post was written introducing this package: http://pragmaticemacs.com/emacs/regions-marks-and-visual-mark/ Example installation: 1. Put this file in Emacs's load-path 2. add custom faces to init file (require 'visible-mark) (global-visible-mark-mode 1) ;; or add (visible-mark-mode) to specific hooks 3. Add customizations. The defaults are very minimal. They could also be set via customize. (defface visible-mark-active ;; put this before (require 'visible-mark) '((((type tty) (class mono))) (t (:background "magenta"))) "") (setq visible-mark-max 2) (setq visible-mark-faces `(visible-mark-face1 visible-mark-face2)) Additional useful functions like unpoping the mark are at http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/MarkCommands and http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/VisibleMark Known bugs Observed in circe, when the buffer has a right margin, and there is a mark at the beginning of a line, any text in the margin on that line gets styled with the mark's face. May also happen for left margins, but haven't tested yet. Patches / pull requests / feedback welcome.