--------------------------------------------------------------------- Full information can be found on GitHub: https://github.com/bmag/emacs-purpose/wiki --------------------------------------------------------------------- Purpose is a package that introduces the concept of a "purpose" for windows and buffers, and then helps you maintain a robust window layout easily. Installation and Setup: Install Purpose from MELPA, or download it manually from GitHub. If you download manually, add these lines to your init file: (add-to-list 'load-path "/path/to/purpose") (require 'window-purpose) To activate Purpose at start-up, add this line to your init file: (purpose-mode) Purpose Configuration: Customize `purpose-user-mode-purposes', `purpose-user-name-purposes', `purpose-user-regexp-purposes' and `purpose-use-default-configuration'. Basic Usage: 1. Load/Save window/frame layout (see `purpose-load-window-layout', `purpose-save-window-layout', etc.) 2. Use regular switch-buffer functions - they will not mess your window layout (Purpose overrides them). 3. If you don't want a window's purpose/buffer to change, dedicate the window: C-c , d: `purpose-toggle-window-purpose-dedicated' C-c , D: `purpose-toggle-window-buffer-dedicated' 4. To use a switch-buffer function that ignores Purpose, prefix it with C-u. For example, [C-u C-x b] calls `switch-buffer-without-purpose'.