This package supports reading Xcode projects. Features: - Parse Xcode project file (project.pbxproj) - Extract information about targets, build configurations, build settings and files etc. Usage: To obtain the parsed project object (alist): (`xcode-project-read' PATH-TO-XCODEPROJ) Helper to locate the project file for any given source file: (`xcode-project-find-xcodeproj' PATH-TO-FILE) Then extract information such as targets, build phases, configurations and files. Most functions return an object (alist), unless otherwise described (e.g. `xcode-project-target-names'). Targets: (`xcode-project-targets' PROJ) (`xcode-project-target-names' PROJ) Build Phases: (`xcode-project-build-phases' PROJ TARGET-NAME) Build Configurations: (`xcode-project-build-config-names' PROJ) (`xcode-project-build-config' PROJ CONFIG-NAME TARGET-NAME) Build Settings: (`xcode-project-build-config-setings' CONFIG) Build files - as objects: (`xcode-project-build-files' PROJ TARGET-NAME) - as paths (relative to project) (`xcode-project-build-file-paths' PROJ TARGET-NAME)