Package tested on: GNU Emacs 25.2.1 (x86_64-apple-darwin16.5.0) A simple implementation of the yahtzee game. Quick start: add (require 'yahtzee) in your .emacs M-x yahtzee start a game (in a new buffer) C-c n start a new game (in the same buffer) C-c p add players C-c P reset players SPC throw dice {1,2,3,4,5} hold outcome of {1,2,3,4,5}-th dice UP/DOWN select score to register ENTER register selected score w save the game (in json format) The score of a saved game can be loaded using `M-x yahtzee-load-game-score`. Configuration variables: The user might want to set the following variables (see associated docstrings) - `yahtzee-output-file-base' - `yahtzee-fields-alist' for adding extra fields - `yahtzee-players-names' set names of players use (setq-default yahtzee-players-names ...) Note: personally I don't enjoy playing with "Yahtzee bonuses" and "Joker rules" so they are not implemented (even thought they are simple to include). Only the "63 bonus" is available (see `yahtzee-compute-bonus'). Furthermore, some scores differ from the official ones. Changing all this can be done by simply modifying the corresponding functions in the definition of `yahtzee-fields-alist'.