
Background Adjustment Using Sequence Information

Bioconductor version: 2.5

Background adjustment using sequence information

Author: Jean(ZHIJIN) Wu, Rafael Irizarry with contributions from James MacDonald <jmacdon at med.umich.edu> Jeff Gentry

Maintainer: Z. Wu <zwu at stat.brown.edu>

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biocViews Microarray, OneChannel, Preprocessing
Depends R (>= 2.6.0), affy(>= 1.23.2), graphics, methods, stats, utils
Imports Biobase, affy(>= 1.23.2), affyio(>= 1.13.3), Biostrings(>= 2.11.32), splines
Suggests affydata, matchprobes, tools, splines
System Requirements
License LGPL
Depends On Me affyPLM, bgx, simpleaffy, webbioc
Imports Me affycoretools, simpleaffy
Suggests Me AffyExpress, ArrayTools, BiocCaseStudies
Version 2.18.1
Since Bioconductor 1.6 (R-2.1) or earlier

Package Downloads

Package Source gcrma_2.18.1.tar.gz
Windows Binary gcrma_2.18.1.zip (32- & 64-bit)
MacOS 10.5 (Leopard) binary gcrma_2.18.1.tgz
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