AnyBar is an application that puts an indicator in the menubar in OS X. This package lets you interact with that indicator from Emacs. See: Basic usage: (require 'anybar) Start AnyBar: (anybar-start) Set indicator to a color: (anybar-set "red") Quit AnyBar: (anybar-quit) Those functions also take an optional argument to specify a port number, if you want to run multiple instances or use a different port than AnyBar's default, 1738. `anybar-set' will complain if you try to set the indicator to an invalid style, which is anything outside of the default styles (see `anybar-styles') or any custom images set in "~/.AnyBar". To refresh the list of images anybar.el knows about, call `anybar-images-reset'. These functions may be called interactively. If you have installed AnyBar to a location other than /Applications/, you'll need to customize `anybar-executable-location' so that `anybar-start' may succeed. Enjoy!