This module provides a minor mode that indicates which buffer is currently active by dimming the faces in the other buffers. It does this nondestructively, and computes the dimmed faces dynamically such that your overall color scheme is shown in a muted form without requiring you to define what is a "dim" version of every face. `dimmer.el' can be configured to adjust foreground colors (default), background colors, or both. Usage: (require 'dimmer) (dimmer-configure-which-key) (dimmer-configure-helm) (dimmer-mode t) Configuration: By default dimmer excludes the minibuffer and echo areas from consideration, so that most packages that use the minibuffer for interaction will behave as users expect. `dimmer-configure-company-box' is a convenience function for users of company-box. It prevents dimming the buffer you are editing when a company-box popup is displayed. `dimmer-configure-helm' is a convenience function for helm users to ensure helm buffers are not dimmed. `dimmer-configure-gnus' is a convenience function for gnus users to ensure article buffers are not dimmed. `dimmer-configure-hydra' is a convenience function for hydra users to ensure "*LV*" buffers are not dimmed. `dimmer-configure-magit' is a convenience function for magit users to ensure transients are not dimmed. `dimmer-configure-org' is a convenience function for org users to ensure org-mode buffers are not dimmed. `dimmer-configure-posframe' is a convenience function for posframe users to ensure posframe buffers are not dimmed. `dimmer-configure-which-key' is a convenience function for which-key users to ensure which-key popups are not dimmed. Please submit pull requests with configurations for other packages! Customization: `dimmer-adjustment-mode' controls what aspect of the color scheme is adjusted when dimming. Choices are :foreground (default), :background, or :both. `dimmer-fraction' controls the degree to which buffers are dimmed. Range is 0.0 - 1.0, and default is 0.20. Increase value if you like the other buffers to be more dim. `dimmer-buffer-exclusion-regexps' can be used to specify buffers that should never be dimmed. If the buffer name matches any regexp in this list then `dimmer.el' will not dim that buffer. `dimmer-buffer-exclusion-predicates' can be used to specify buffers that should never be dimmed. If any predicate function in this list returns true for the buffer then `dimmer.el' will not dim that buffer. `dimmer-prevent-dimming-predicates' can be used to prevent dimmer from altering the dimmed buffer list. This can be used to detect cases where a package pops up a window temporarily, and we don't want the dimming to change. If any function in this list returns a non-nil value, dimming state will not be changed. `dimmer-watch-frame-focus-events' controls whether dimmer will dim all buffers when Emacs no longer has focus in the windowing system. This is enabled by default. Some users may prefer to set this to nil, and have the dimmed / not dimmed buffers stay as-is even when Emacs doesn't have focus. `dimmer-use-colorspace' allows you to specify what color space the dimming calculation is performed in. In the majority of cases you won't need to touch this setting. See the docstring below for more information.