Downplay is a minor Emacs mode that provides facilities to apply a face (via overlays) to all but the current region or line. To enable Downplay minor mode, type M-x downplay-mode. This applies only to the current buffer. When 'downplay is called, it will change the downplayed state of the buffer depending on the current state: - when the downplay is inactive: - if the region is active and transient-mark-mode is active, downplay-face is applied to all of the buffer except the region - else downplay-face is applied to all of the buffer except the current line - when the downplay is active: - if the region is active and transient-mark-mode is active and the region has changed since the downplay was activated, downplay-face is reapplied to all of the buffer except the region - else if the current line has changed, downplay-face is reapplied to all of the buffer except the current line - else the downplay is deactivated (downplay-face is unapplied from the entire buffer) By default, 'downplay is bound to C-c z when downplay-mode is active. The default downplay-face sets the height of the text to 0.75.