Usage: There are three ways to use this package: 1. Enable ‘eldoc-box-hover-mode’. Emacs will show the documentation of symbol at point in a children on the upper left or right corner. 2. Enable ‘eldoc-box-hover-at-point-mode’. Similar to ‘eldoc-box-hover-mode’, but displays the childframe at point. (This mode feels slower comparing to ‘eldoc-box-hover-mode’.) 3. Bind ‘eldoc-box-help-at-point’ to a key and bring up the documentation childframe on-demand. This command requires Emacs 28 to work. Customization faces: - ‘eldoc-box-border’ - ‘eldoc-box-body’ Hooks: - ‘eldoc-box-buffer-hook’ - ‘eldoc-box-frame-hook’ Customize options: - ‘eldoc-box-max-pixel-width’ - ‘eldoc-box-max-pixel-height’ - ‘eldoc-box-only-multi-line’ - ‘eldoc-box-cleanup-interval’ - ‘eldoc-box-fringe-use-same-bg’ - ‘eldoc-box-self-insert-command-list’