Add Eldev support to Flycheck. For a project to be detected, it must contain file `Eldev' or `Eldev-local' in its root directory, even if Eldev doesn’t strictly require that. Features: * No additional steps to be performed from the command line, not even `eldev prepare'. However, you might need to mark the project as trusted, use M-x customize-group flycheck-eldev RET. * Project dependencies are seen by Flycheck in Emacs. Similarly, if a package is not declared as a dependency of your project, Flycheck will complain about unimportable features or undeclared functions. * Everything is done on-the-fly. As you edit your project’s dependency list in its main `.el' file, added, removed or mistyped dependency names immediately become available to Flycheck (there might be some delays due to network, as Eldev needs to fetch them first). * Additional test dependencies (see `eldev-add-extra-dependencies') are seen from the test files, but not from the main files. For the extension to have any effect, you need to install Eldev: If Flycheck doesn’t seem to recognize dependencies declared in a project, verify its setup (`C-c ! v').