A minor mode which adds a hamburger menu button to the mode line. Use instead of `menu-bar-mode' to save vertical space. The hamburger menu is particularly useful when `mouse-autoselect-window' (Focus Follows Mouse) is enabled. ## Installation Add the [MELPA](https://melpa.org/) repository to Emacs. Then run: M-x package-install hamburger-menu Afterwards, configure as follows: 1. Disable `menu-bar-mode', because having two menus is superfluous: M-x customize-set-variable RET menu-bar-mode RET n M-x customize-save-customized 2. Add the following to your `~/.emacs'. This will place the hamburger menu button at the very left of your mode line: (require 'hamburger-menu) (setq mode-line-front-space 'hamburger-menu-mode-line) 3. Restart Emacs. Enjoy. On the off chance you consider modifying `mode-line-front-space' to be overly invasive, you can instead enable `global-hamburger-menu-mode'. The downside of the mode is that the hamburger menu button it provides cannot be nicely aligned at the left of the mode line.