A helm interface for searching Bitbucket. ** Installation Download and install the `helm-bitbucket.el' file in your preferred way. `helm-bitbucket' uses the credentials stored in `.authinfo.gpg' for authenticating against the bitbucket API. So you need to add: `machine api.bitbucket.org login password port https' to your `.authinfo.gpg' file. If you are not familiar with `.authinfo', check out https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/GnusAuthinfo for further information. It is not currently possible to search across all Bitbucket repositories, so `helm-bitbucket' searches all repositories for which your registered Bitbucket user is a member. Thus, `helm-bitbucket' searches both your personal repositories and the repositories of any Bitbucket team you are a member of. API Reference: https://developer.atlassian.com/bitbucket/api/2/reference/ ** Usage Run `M-x helm-bitbucket' and type a search string. (The search begins after you've typed at least 2 characters). Hitting =RET= with an item selected opens the corresponding repository in your browser. *** Keys | =C-n= | Next item. | | =C-p= | Previous item. | | =RET= | Open repository page in browser | | =C-h m= | Full list of keyboard shortcuts |